
UCSD La Jolla Campus Site Utilities

The University of California San Diego La Jolla Medical Center's $1 billion capital improvement program includes a Master Utility Plan Infrastructure Upgrade.  Intelisyn orchestrated the site logistics planning and coordination required to successfully complete the $45 million, multi-phased project.

The project encompasses thirty five acres of the active La Jolla Medical Center and includes a combination of new utilities and upgrades of current systems for both existing and new buildings.  The effected systems include domestic water, fire water, reclaimed water, sanitary sewer, storm drain, natural gas, chilled water and electrical.  A new electrical switch station and upgrades of both 12kv and 5kv distribution are part of the project along with campus wide street lighting and pedestrian lighting improvements.  The project includes new roads and transit improvements.

Intelisyn worked in partnership with the UCSD Facilities Planning, Design and Construction Department and two engineering firms to develop an intricate phasing plan that allowed work to be completed in an efficient, logical sequence while mitigating impacts to Medical Center operations and other construction projects on the campus.  Intelisyn was responsible for development of the master schedule and implementation of site logistics work plans. The master schedule was used as the basis for assigning detailed work scopes to each of the six construction teams working on the project. 

Completion of the work requires constant and close coordination with the Medical Center and contractors to ensure that patient care is not disrupted.  Intelisyn is the central hub facilitating the communication of construction logistics planning and implementation information for all of the utility construction activity on the La Jolla Medical Campus.

This six year, multiphased project began in 2010 and will be complete in 2016.
UC San Diego La Jolla Medical Center
9300 Campus Point Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037