
French Hospital Electrical Service Upgrade

The Electrical Utility Service Upgrade for French Hospital Medical Center provided essential expansion capabilities to this Dignity Health Community Hospital in San Luis Obispo.  As the first project of several Bed Expansion Capital Packages, the logistically challenging infrastructure project was a predecessor to the expansion and remodel of the ICU/CCU.

The project included the addition of a new electrical service brought in from an offsite location.  A new electrical building was required to house new electrical panels, distribution boards and automatic transfer switches that would serve the ICU/CCU and other future Master Plan projects on the Hospital campus. 

The critical nature of the utilities involved in the project required multiple, carefully planned and closely coordinated shutdowns of life safety, critical and equipment branch power services while the Hospital maintained daily patient care.  In addition, the Hospital’s 8” fire water line, an essential utility, required relocation during the installation of the underground electrical duct bank.  

The new electrical building was constructed between two existing OSHPD buildings originally constructed in 1971, which were separated by just 20 feet, and located on a slope.  These challenging site conditions required the large conduits to be intricately woven between footings while accommodating grade changes.  Conduits were routed through and alongside of operating hospital buildings.  This complex work was completed on schedule, without impacting patient care, and allowed subsequent capital projects to proceed as planned.

French Hospital
1911 Johnson Ave,
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401